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The Attention of the Jan. 6 Committee Is Drawn to Team Trump’s Insane Election Emails

Team Trump is finally receiving the exposure it deserves for crazy fundraising emails sent weeks before the Jan. 6 attack in which the 2020 election was alleged to have been stolen.

No, I am not referring to medical attention (good guess). I’m referring to government investigative focus.

The House committee established on Jan. 6 announced Wednesday that had issued a subpoena to Salesforce, the data and digital communications provider that provides email services to the Republican National Committee.

The revelation came as the Republican National Committee filed a lawsuit trying to quash the committee’s subpoena, which is described as a “fishing expedition” and “staggeringly broad.”

However, the committee articulated compelling arguments for investigating Salesforce.

“Between Election Day 2020 and January 6th, the Republican National Committee and the Trump campaign solicited funds by spreading false allegations of widespread election fraud,” Jan. 6 committee spokesperson Tim Mulvey said.

“These emails urged supporters to exert pressure on Congress to ensure President Trump’s continued presidency,” he added.

Mulvey stated that the subpoena will “assist investigators in determining the effect of misleading, inflammatory statements in the weeks preceding January 6th, the flow of finances, and whether contributions were truly rooted to the stated purpose.”

And he was forthright about the emails’ possible involvement in fomenting last year’s failed rebellion, stating that allegations of election fraud “inspired” the rioters.

The committee’s focus on the emails demonstrates that investigators are not dismissing Team Trump’s repeated and delusory claims of election fraud as nonsense. After losing the 2020 election, the Trump campaign released a torrent of emails claiming the election was not over (it was), urging supporters to “rise up and fight” against the “liberal mob,” and urging Trump supporters to “march up to the front lines of this terrible war and DEFEND THE ELECTION.”

Each email included a call for donations, in a typical Trumpian manner.

According to NBC News, the Trump campaign raised hundreds of millions of dollars following his defeat, an endeavor that was undoubtedly encouraged by his factually inaccurate flood of emails. These letters have long been the quintessential embodiment of Trump’s personality: equal parts petulant and deceitful.

And, while the emails’ hysterical tone frequently prompted online mockery, the Jan. 6 committee made it clear that these messages were not to be taken lightly. They were almost certainly involved in a criminal operation.


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